Project 2a further developed and implemented the strategies that determine community food systems through direct support and fostering regional connections. Community visits, a regional gathering, a scan of services and research assisted each First Nation in further developing and implementing their individual community food sovereignty visions. The project team was made up of community engaged and participatory research professionals from a variety of organizations across the district of Thunder Bay. Led by the communities, the project team facilitated further development of relationships through continuous communication, networking and support.
Support for each community through further development and initial implementation of the Phase I community food plans. This involved developing action plans and budgets as well as purchasing the necessary items to achieve short- and medium-term goals.
Connecting First Nations to relevant partner organizations and support networks. This included a literature review and a regional scan of existing food system projects, programs, and funding.
The Gathering involved a coming together of representatives from the fourteen FirstNations along with supporting Indigenous individuals and organizations from Northwestern Ontario, Southern Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. It provided an opportunity for further relationship building and knowledge and skill sharing. It was also a space to work on community action plans.
Through oral and written communication, reports, videos and the internet, we shared back all information with the communities and provided feedback and ideas about next steps for the next phase of the project.